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Android vs. iOS: Battle for Supremacy?

You may have heard a lot about the two different mobile operating systems. These are Android(Google Operating System) and iOS(iPhone Operating System) but by just knowing about their names, you can’t understand which one is the best for you. While both OS facilitates us greatly, you should still carefully choose your smartphone based on its OS. This article aims to conclude the answer to the debate “Android vs. iOS”. I’ve considered many differences like pricing, hardware, software updates, ecosystem, etc.

Let’s start things off by talking about the history of both operating systems.


In 2003, Android was created by Android Inc. and later on, it was owned by Google. Android is based on Linux software stack. It has a market share of 70.77% in mobile operating systems.

iOS, made by Apple Inc. and launched in 2007, is only for Apple devices. iOS has a market share of 28.36% in the mobile operating systems which is much less than Android’s 70.77% share. But it will not be fair if we say that Android is better than iOS just because Android has more users than iOS.

Look and Design

When you pick an Android and an iPhone side by side, you’ll notice they look different. Android phones are available in different designs, shapes and sizes. Some have big screens, and some have smaller ones. You can choose an Android phone that suits your style. Android gives you more choices to make your phone look just the way you want it.

On the other hand, iPhones generally have a similar look. iPhones do not come in as many variations as Android comes in. It is because Android phones are designed by different mobile manufacturing companies whereas iPhones are designed only by Apple.

So, when it comes to look and design, Android offers more customization.

Safety and Security

Android phones improve their security regularly but they have different challenges because they come in different models made by different companies. Also, there are a lot of apps on Google PlayStore that are not so secure enough. There are chances of data leakage etc.

However, Apple updates iOS on a regular basis and tries to fix any vulnerability as soon as it is found. Apple phones are considered more secure than Android. It uses an integrated development environment (IDE) to offer coding signing capabilities to the apps. It is difficult for hackers to break into your device because of the closed-source code installed.

If security is your preference, iPhone suits you the best!

App Stores

Google Play Store has 3.553 million apps. Although you get a lot of apps if you’re an Android user, but still you might encounter some apps that aren’t as polished. But this is not actually a problem. You can find a suitable app after some research.

Alternatively, the Apple App Store has over 1.6 million apps. These apps are often high-quality and work smoothly. It is because Apple applies a good check on all the apps that are uploaded.


Most of the apps available on the Apple App Store are available on the Google Play Store. Also, Google Play Store has almost double the apps than App Store. So we can say that Android wins in this field.


As Android is an open-source operating system, it is widely adopted by mobile manufacturers. This is the reason Android comes in different models, designs, and prices. Each company tries to manufacture the phones by keeping their profit as minimal as possible. This benefits the user because they can do their work without spending a lot.

iPhones are more expensive as compared to Android phones. However, they come with high-quality materials, top-notch speed, and high-level security, making them a premium choice for those willing to invest in a reliable device.

If you’ve a limited budget, go for Android. Otherwise, go for an iPhone.

Default Apps

Android comes with different default apps created like Google Assistant, Google Photos, and Google Maps. These apps help you navigate, organize photos, and answer your questions. Google also provides other default apps as well.

iOS provides its own set of default apps, Siri, Apple Photos, and Apple Maps. These apps are used for voice assistance, managing your gallery, and navigation. Besides these apps, Apply also provides other default apps.   

In the “Android vs. iOS” debate, both operating systems are equal when it comes to default apps.

Final Touch to Android vs. iOS Debate

Now, it’s time to summarize the comparison of Android vs. iOS. If you love having lots of options, enjoy customizing your phone, and don’t mind doing some tinkering, Android might be your thing. It’s like exploring different roads to find the one that fits you perfectly.

But If you like things simple, and safe, and enjoy having devices that work well together, go for an iPhone. It’s like choosing a familiar path that you know will lead you where you want to go.

We can summarize the topic of Android vs. iOS by saying that it all depends upon your preferences.


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